You oppose vaccines, well but what if your child has been bitten by a rabies-infected dog?

Since the moment it started until now COVID-19 behaves almost like N1H1 (Spanish flu). At this stage, it attacks only the elderly, as it was the case a hundred and two years ago when in small segments among the elderly, it caused death. (Sounds familiar).

This is what happened in the first wave of N1H1, February - April 1918. But then, at the end of August 1918, the virus mutated into a different strain, leaving the elderly alone and attacked the young population. The virus existed until December of the same year, causing more than 50,000,000 (out of 500,000,000 infected) deaths worldwide. Unfortunately at the time, the virus was active until the human population acquired the immunity of the herd the December same year.
It is unfair to say that at that time, the authorities, especially in the United States, did not try to implement social distancing and the imposition of mandatory wearing of masks as a measure of protection. There were areas, especially at the east coast states where those measures were introduced, but like today those measures didn't produce positive results.
It is important to notice that in the first wave of 1918, in the USA from February to July losses of lives without measures were 75,000, unlike today's time, when the number of the dead almost doubled in the same period with all the measures taken. In this time, over 130,000 lives have been taken away. Why is that? Something is wrong here.
Let us first consider and examine the recommendations and in some places the mandatory imposition of wearing masks.
For the masks available on today's markets the ASTM test for BFE and PFE shows that the resistance factor in both cases is 98%. The suppliers do not provide data on the sizes of pathogens used for testing. BFE stands for bacteria filtration efficiency, and PFE stands for particle filtration efficiency. For masks to be effective, pathogens larger than 0.3 microns must not pass through their filters.

If filters allow 2% of bacteria, ranging in size from 1 micron to 5 microns, to pass through them, then how can such masks protect anyone from a COVID-19? In other words, COVID-19 with or without mask can easily reach inside our respiratory system. At this point, I will not elaborate on the issue of how in this case wearing masks make the situation worse. Even if the filter is of the proper size not allowing pathogens passing through, nothing will stop them to enter our respiratory system through the place where the peripheral parts of the mask are touching the face.
Additionally, the public is not properly educated (or simply does not care) about time for which masks can be utilized or about mask hygiene. The instructions printed on the boxes in which masks are packed the following is clearly stated:  “These masks are single-use only/disposable masks. Re-use or extended use beyond one hour, may lead to infection or cross contaminations. The mask should be stored in a cool, dry place. Avoid excessive heat of 40⁰C or 140⁰F.”

I asked many people, pharmacy technicians, some doctors, others working in the public or related sector including those young kids in Starbuck, how often they change their masks. They don't follow instructions.

They wear the same masks all day and reuse them again and again exposing themselves to all kinds of infections and cross-contamination. People leave new or used masks in cars, usually, on the seats next to them, where the summer temperature in the vehicle easily rises above 50°C. What about car seat hygiene? Do they know and are they aware of the consequences of exposure to already cross-contaminated or infected filters of their masks to pathogens produced by their own respiration or those whose masks are infected with pathogens of all kinds including COVID from dirty car seats at this temperature level?
I often wonder when it comes to these masked wearing preachers, what they are all about? Are they serious real scientists or some comedians? Finally, do they preach some kind of masquerade, instead of real protection against pathogens? Has anyone heard that Dr. Faust (Antoni Fauci) advised the public about ASTM standards and how to properly wear masks in any televised show?

We saw Faust how he pushes his fingers under the mask and takes the mucus out of his nose. Yes, that is all about this “great” scientist, but again I am wondering whom this type of sloppy individual can deliver any solid health advice? And should we really wonder after this, why today, at the time of this epidemic crisis, we have a far greater number of deaths than in 1918, from Spanish Flu?
Second, social distancing is a simple hypothesis without a scientific backup. However, I am not convinced that people who do not exhibit signs of the symptoms of the diseases can transmit any disease, including this COVID-19 contagious disease. Testing healthy people without symptoms and then employing the number of infected, not sick, but infected to increase fear among the population, why is that so? There is no rationality there and in my opinion, no one can benefit from this kind of deception. No one that I know.
Why the FDA did oppose the idea of using hydroxychloroquine as a medication to treat this type of disease? What better alternative do we have at the moment?
Since the COVID-19 acts in a similar way as N1H1, we may expect worse at the end of August. We don’t know in which strain this virus can mutate when the season changes? I hope it will mutate in a strain of lower strength, but in natural science, hope doesn’t work. Numbers, observations, calculations, and experiments only work in this field.
We lost precious time in this phase of the first epidemic wave. Much more could have been done. With better people in a place where we now have old insane people working on a flip/flop scheme, this crisis could be managed more successfully. These people have created nothing but confusion and mistrust among the population. That is why it should come as no surprise that the majority of the public does not believe in their measures, besides, negativism has crept into the people. The oppositional behavior towards vaccines gained more strength, more than ever before. Why is this? Thanks to the aforementioned madness.
Many of those who oppose the vaccines do not know who Louis Pasteur was and how many lives he saved by developing a vaccine against rabies and the immunology system as a medical treatment for many diseases.
I would like those who are against vaccines and vaccinations, for example, their daughter or son, to be bitten by a rabid dog. Would they allow their child to die of hydrophobia instead of accepting appropriate vaccination treatment?
I agree, in today's pharmaceutical market there are many bad vaccines, developed and approved by irresponsible people. Personally, I believe, adjuvants and contemporary preservatives are unnecessary. There are much better naturally occurring preservatives that can replace toxic thimerosal for example. I don't understand the reason why the pharmaceutical industry adds these dangerous substances to vaccines? This is completely insane. The father of immunology did not suggest it.
We are approaching, totally unprepared, the entry into the second wave of COVID-19. The virus will definitely not remain in its current genetic form. With some strange luck, it could mutate to the lower-strength virus, but what if, like N1H1, the virus mutates into a higher-strength? Then, what we will witness in the fall compared to 1918, then 1918, would be a joke. We see that the current protective measures do not work at all. If they work, the death toll should have been reduced, after the introduction of the restrictions. Instead, the number has risen. It was to be expected that in these summer months, under the influence of ultraviolet light and heat, the virus would weaken. That didn't happen. Why?
The one thousand eighteen and today they are not the same. In 1918 we did not have air conditioners. Those apparatuses are perfect incubators, not only for this one but for other pathogens as well. This fact must not be ignored.
At the very beginning of this crisis, I found myself in direct contact with a patient who showed symptoms of COVID-19. Then more than twice indirectly with two other people who ended up on a respirator due to COVID-19. Although I am an individual with a heart problem, I did not contract COVID-19. Not without reason, I protected myself with my own therapy.

Talking about the vaccine for COVID-19 and why it is not developed yet? We should keep in mind that Louis Pasteur developed a rabies vaccine in less than one month at the time when he did not know the existence of viral pathogens. Why today do we still not have a far more important vaccine than the rabies vaccine with the most modern equipment and technology? Compared to COVID-19, rabies did not cause an approximate number of deaths.
Simply, because in his time there was neither the FDA nor the CDC they did not exist. There was no bureaucracy with a lack of knowledge. All these controversial figures, Fauci, Debra Brix, and others like them, should be removed from existing positions they possess and replaced by people filled with knowledge and courage to move forward.

Comments from Forbetersciencie Jurnal:

o Smut Clyde
And should we really wonder after this, why today, at the time of this epidemic crisis, we have a far greater number of deaths than in 1918?
We should wonder what the fuck you are talking about, and how someone can be so ill-informed. Does it come naturally, or did you have to work at it?
1917-1918In the U.S., about 28% of the population of 105 million became infected, and 500,000 to 850,000 died (0.48 to 0.81 percent of the population).
To Smut Clyde
I did not write about the second wave. We don’t know what would happen in the fall when the virus mutates. The numbers I used are numbers from February to July for both years. I would recommend you to fix your bad temper. There is no reason for this kind of behavior.
The CDC recommends people wear masks to lower transmission. Although viruses on their own are much smaller than bacteria, the virus is stuck to aerosol droplets (think of it as mini-spit droplets) which I suspect are as large or larger than bacteria, so masks should at least block you from spreading virus if you have it and cough or sneeze. Im not sure how will they will protect you from sick people, but they should work protecting others from you if you are sick.
I think it is a (possibly fatal) conceit to think that your (Lukas) anecdotal information should be valued as much, or over those who are health care professionals and infectious disease experts. It could be that smut got angered through your apparent conceit on this issue. I agree, he needs to oppilate more, while listening though a headset connected to his Techinques stereo system that he still owns in his bachelor pad.


Initially, the same CDC preached that this type of virus can remain in an active form on solid materials for hours. Two months later the subject has been changed and John White told us that the assessment was wrong, and COVID-19 does not survive that long on the solid-state materials. What are you talking about? “…so masks should at least block you from spreading virus…” In the normal circumstances when we exhale air from the respiratory system, the pressure, if my memory serves mi correct, out of the nose is about 0.06psi. As soon as you put that piece of the dirty unsterilized mat (the suppliers of masks do not sterilize them), the pressure from the nose changes, who knows, it increases, up to 0.3 psi. That’s enough to push any size of bacteria through the filter. Notwithstanding, the high pressure easily separates pathogens out of droplets and pushes them through filters even further than in normal circumstances. Besides, why you changed the subject, I am not talking about symptomatic individuals they are in hospitals coughing and sneezing. I am about healthy people walking down on the streets.


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