Masks are Contaminated


In the year 2015, out of 3.6 million people with leukemia in the world, 367,000 died. Percentage-wise, it is more than 9%. So far, out of 19.2 million people worldwide, as little as over 760,000 have died from COVID-19. Percentage-wise, it is about 3,7%, this percentage number is valid only under the condition that statistics about COVID is accurate.  Large speculation and manipulation are surrounding COVID.

The main cause of leukemia are retroviruses, and most of them are transmitted from person to person.  However, HIV is also caused by the virus which belongs to the retrovirus family, being transmitted through sexual intercourse. So far, we have not experienced mandatory social distancing, lockdown, home isolation, as well as the mandatory wearing of masks and condoms due to leukemia. The last mandatory wearing of masks because of KOVID is something that overflowed the glass filled with water. That prompted me to perform an experiment and write a letter to the local authorities.

Believing that it may create some sort of interest I like to share one small portion of it with others.


Fragment from my letter to the local may

Danger! Masks are Contaminated

The true medical professionals on a high level (physician or pharmacist or others in this field) are wonderful beings, whose callings are second to none. Especially, physicians and pharmacists, they deal with human physical or more or less moral weaknesses. Certainly, human health or woe to a great extent is in their hands. If they are in ignorance then misery will remain on the ill person. They cannot be too intelligent in their professions. They must be continuous students, to keep up to date with the time.

They must realize that there are others in the world who know some things as well as they, that there is room for them to improve, and there is some information yet for them to gain. Let them be assured that there is room for them at the top if they will but put forth the effort to attain it.

Besides the knowledge of drugs, there are other things in which they must be proficient. They must be a thorough connoisseur of human nature and thorough physiognomists. To gain at once patient’s confidence, they must be wise in reading abnormal conditions and be capable of reading character and of diagnosing on sight conditions present in their patient.

They must be aware of deceptions and remember that they are everybody's confidence. They must learn swiftly, they must listen to everything, they must observe fast, but be slow in response. Always tell the truth, but not always the whole truth. They should not make light of their patient's ailment. The patients believe they are sick, and that itself is a disease and needs attention.

So the last sentence should say it all. COVID is a problem for there is no need to inflate fear among the populace.

In many previous situations the medical professionals especially herewith physicians, were completely wrong of the assessment of the entire condition.  Being that when they refused to sanitize hands after delivery, or when they proscribed not water drinking in acute pneumonia condition. How many lives were lost because of this? Or even today besides catastrophic adverse reactions of Topical Steroids they refuse to recognize the need not to prescribe them for dermatological treatment of skin. See the pictures of adverse reactions from topical steroids.



I have no further comments on this.

Besides, for nothing is worse than when the medical professionals are exploited for the purpose of political influence or to satisfy someone else personal or collective interest rather than the interest which serves the purpose of since of medicine. Medical Physiology is a science for me, its normal development, and preservation is important. It was and it always will be. And if something is wrong there I exercise the right to complain, protest, and moreover to criticize.  Criticism is always important, especially today in this situation of epidemic confusion that has created a miserable mood, creating a situation where many things have risen to the horizon.

Like as in aforesaid the history of medical science is full of the therapeutically fetch - some wise and some very foolish, some practical, many impractical, some are a pile of arbitrary dictum. For that, it is not surprising that some are unreliable. Unreliability produced unrest to the medical mind, and has given the rise that the medicine is not a science. Numerous medical systems have been founded upon imperfect data, not surprising, but yet many have been their followers.

Nothing has damaged medical science in its entire history more than the present COVID-19 condition. Not because of the field health professional. Many of them, their hands are tied, by those government’s bureaucrats, popes and cardinals (like Fauci, Brix, Tam, etc.) who pretend to be leading scientists in the field of medicine, despite the fact that they do not know how to do their job properly in this abnormal situation. Not only that they do not know how to manage situations, but they are also lacking basic skills and medical scientific knowledge. 

Right from the beginning’s their decisions and advice for the imposition of preventive measures were catastrophic, and catastrophe is climbing. Last of this catastrophe is their advice that the masks are the only remaining option. If they pretend to act as religious leaders, let them be it, but then religion and medicine have little in common. The worst of all of them is Fauci. He acts like a used car salesman: Sorry. "Yesterday I thought the masks were not good, but I think they were repaired and today, you can use them. Sorry. At the beginning we did not have enough masks then I had to lie to you. Sorry. I thought the Chinese were wrong when they closed the province of Wuhan, but now I don't think they were. DE Blasio made the right decision to close the city not allowing anyone to enter or leave New York.  Sorry. I Thought the COVID virus could stay active on solid-state material longer than one day. Now I changed my opinion. It cannot stay longer than a few seconds."  The true medical professional especially the scientist does not behave like this.

Last Thursday when shopping in one computer store I was forced to wear a mask. At night I waked up with a severe headache. It did not take me long to realize that I contracted a sinus infection. That prompted me to gather swab from a brand new mask, then I cultured it on agar-agar to determine what types of germ’s spores are found on masks. The result of this experiment is shown in those two pictures below.


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